The school lays emphasis on self-discipline as discipline plays a vital role in holistic development of a student. It is our aim to imbibe in each student, a sense of accountability, good etiquettes, moral and ethical values along with the skill to respect & learn to live together in harmony and peace. In view of the above, the school has the following policy to inculcate a sense of discipline among the students.

Reinforcing The Positive

We need to frequently observe, encourage and reward children’s disciplined behavior. Reinforcement is a strategy that is effective across a wide array of behaviors and contexts and should be used frequently! Reinforcement can be used for any positive behaviors that you want to see more often. Differential attention is a great way to replace mild negative behaviors such as whining and complaining with appropriate behaviors such as persistence and independence. A more formal reinforcement system can be used for behaviors that are more difficult to change.The following is a list of attributes which would be kept in mind for the assessment of ‘Positive Learning Behaviour’.

Positive Attributes which must be appreciated whole-heartedly in our students

  • Language Protection
  • Politeness
  • Respect for Elders
  • Cleanliness
  • Uniform Turnout
  • Compatibility With Peer Group
  • Shouldering Responsibility
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Empathy Towards Others
  • Obeying School Rules And Regulations
  • Punctuality
  • Demeanour

Disciplinary Policy

The following measures will be adopted to enforce discipline:
The following disciplinary measures will be adopted by the school.

  • Oral counselling will be done by the educator/Health and Wellness teacher/teacher/ Coordinator/Principal.
  • Written warning through an almanac note/ERP/mail.
  • The atonement/retribution letters will be issued with sense of warning to the students.
  • Issue of a Yellow Card along with an apology letter by the student.
  • Withdrawal of bus facility for non- adherence to bus rules or misbehaviour in the school bus. (Parents will be responsible for picking them up and dropping them to school in this case)
  • In case there is no improvement or the child still indulges himself/herself in any of the in disciplinary act, a yellow card along with a written explanation from parents’ side. A maximum of two yellow cards can be issued to a student
  • Non-compliance even after two issuances of two yellow card will result in issue of a Red Card along with a written explanation from parents’ side.
  • The issuance of Red Card may be followed suspension/expulsion. The duration of suspension which may be from two to fifteen days will be decided depending on the seriousness of the situation.
  • Red Card may be issued directly depending on the gravity of the indiscipline as per details mentioned below.

However, the Principal retains the right to suspend or expel a student out right if the offence is of a very serious nature. The Principal will have the right to withhold the character certificate of any student whose conduct is not keeping with the rules laid down by the school.

Yellow Card:

A student may be issued a Yellow Card for:

  • Missing or bunking classes/assemblies etc.
  • Reporting late to class
  • Constantly interrupting the teaching process
  • Indulging in rude and unacceptable behaviour in class.
  • Consistent lapse in completing HW & CW even after written 3 reminders.
  • Defaulter in bringing required material for learning to school after repeated written reminders.
  • Irregularity in submission of school assignments.
  • Repeated late arrivals
  • Uniform defaulters after 3 written reminder/messages
  • Littering in school or bus spaces even after written 3 reminders.
  • Inappropriate Uniform turnout / inappropriate haircut
  • Littering the school spaces
  • Non-adherence to bus rules
  • Bullying

Red Card:

A student may be issued a Red Card for:

  • Using of inappropriate or foul language even after counselling and retribution letter/yellow card
  • Disrespecting or answering back to the teacher.
  • Bursting Crackers in the school premises.
  • Carrying mobile phones or gadgets to school
  • Indulging in inappropriate behaviour on social media which may affect any other student or school in any manner.
  • Using unfair means in the examination
  • Breaking or misuse of school property
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Bullying